Do you want to hear the secret to strengthening and toning your core?
The secret is...there is no secret. Improving your diet, and following a well-designed exercise program that includes basic strength exercises, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and smart core exercises will get you there.
The very same principle we follow with our personal training members here at The Member Transformation Center.
More protein, veggies, fruit and water...more squats and deadlifts...and targeted, smart training of your midsection.
That's it.
But what are the best core exercises you should be doing? It just so happens that we've put together a guide to the Best Core Exercises for toning your midsection and improving your lower back strength to reduce pain.
​Click here to get our Core Workout Guide
Spoiler alert...performing endless sit-ups and crunches is not the answer. A safe, smart and well-balanced core exercise routine exercises the following movements of the core:
- you can alleviate lower back pain
- your body can withstand the rotational forces that come with exercise and other activities
- Anti-Lateral simple daily tasks like carrying groceries or picking up your kids or grandkids can be accomplished safely
So if you want a toner, more attractive midsection and want to be able to exercise and enjoy outdoor activities without pain or injury, follow these simple steps. And if you'd like to check out our guide to the Best Core Exercises.
Better yet, if you want all of these exercises specifically designed for your fitness level and coaching to make sure you're doing them correctly, send us a message through our website to join our personal training program.
​Dedicated to your success,
Ben Miknis
Co-owner of The Mason Transformation Center